Poster presentation topics in periodontics

Innovations in Periodontics sessions showcase advances in clinical periodontics, basic sciences or related subjects that have a direct application to patient care. The target speaker is anyone who has a validated innovation to share. Individual and team-based presentations are welcome for this session.

Deadline to apply: February 7, 2025

Each year, the Continuing Education Oversight Committee (CEOC) solicits presentations that address advances in clinical periodontics, basic sciences, or related subjects for the Innovations in Periodontics. These sessions will consist of 15-minute presentations. A five-minute question-and-answer period will follow each lecture.

There will be four sessions offered:

Advances in Periodontics: These two sessions are intended to showcase clinical advances and/or translational research with direct application to patient care. The target speaker is anyone who has validated innovation to share. Individual and team-based presentations are welcome for this session.

Rising Stars: This session is intended for speakers in practice 10 years or less following post-graduate training. The selected candidates will receive training to present their material in a brief live-platform showcase.

Perio Open Mic: This session is a platform to present a pivotal concept, perspective, or paradigm-shifting philosophy. The target presenter is a mid- to late-career periodontal clinician or scientist with a validated innovation to showcase. Unlike Advances in Periodontics, this is the forum to present a philosophy, ideology, or thought, rather than a case presentation.

Individual presentation abstract submission procedure: